Hurray hurray!
With the past 31 days being as good as they were March is gonna be a tough month to beat in terms of (yes here comes the most horrific and grammatically incorrect noun of the 21st century) AWESOMENESS! April needs to watch its back!
I am feeling a wee bit sorry for my friends and family back home at the moment. As much as I am looking forward to the cold here, 6 months of winter are enough for them. Time for some spring blossoms and warm feelings to surface!! I always loved seeing the first flowers breaking through the snow, the first few bumble bees coming to life and people's moods lifting once spring hit town. Long winter takes their toll on people's psyche, I swear. It helps to either buy a sauna (best piece of furniture ever) or do as my parents did and head off to the South of France for sun ray-soaking and insanity-prevention.
Aaaannnd drumrooooollllll
Here are ten reasons March was awesome
Of course I celebrated my much dreaded 23rd birthday and it turned out to be amazing. Dan and I went on a micro-holiday full of good food, sunshine and relaxation. We chilled by the heated pool, munched away on peanut butter cups and explored the main streets of Noosa. I was showered with birthday messages from friends all over the globe. And of course PRESENTS! I got massage vouchers from Dan, the most thoughtful gift! I always complain about tension in my neck and shoulders and I am also a very peculiar specimen in that I enjoy massages so much I get goose bumps just watching a YouTube video of someone getting one! Yeah....
2) I went exploring
Noosa Heads is yet another beautiful place on this Earth ball and I cannot wait to go back! The beaches and beautiful rain forest are worth re-visiting and charming Hastings Street with its little cafes, restaurants and boutiques is a total gem. Oh Wanderlust, you've got me again!
3) TV awesomeness
I don't care what anyone says but selective TV watching can't be all bad. This month I watched the second season of 'GIRLS' and I will never ever be able to clean my ears with a cotton bud again without accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of nausea. (AND THE CRACKING NOISE??? UGH!!!!)
I kept watching 'The Walking Dead', a season that turned out to be extremely entertaining and un-crowd-pleasing (grammar police?) with main characters dying or turning and heroes going loco. It will be very interesting to see where the next season is going to go. The concept of continuously defending one's existence in a world of complete hopelessness is extremely intriguing to me. I sometimes wonder why they don't just let the zombies do their thing with the world being in ruins and all... I also wonder when one of the deers the zombies brunch on in the forests is going to turn and go absolutely BERSERK! YOU DON'T MESS WITH A ZOMBIE DEER, MAN!
4) I read "This is a call"
....and felt inspired and in awe of Dave Grohl's creative mind. I chewed up the book in 48 hrs. It's admittedly an easy read, written by an experienced music journalist, but if you're expecting a major ego-polisher of a book, beware! It's a very universal piece of writing, giving insights into DC's and Seattle's music history from the 60ies and 70ies onwards to Scream, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Them Crooked Vultures and all the other stuff Mister Grohl was involved in! For all you hopeless Kurt Cobain fans (guilty pleasure) there's a massive chapter dedicated to him specifically. I particularly enjoyed the part where various people who worked with him point out how apparent his mental health and drug problems were before...uhm...the fame.
Read it now!
5) I started Rushfit again
..and I sure as hell threw up my afternoon tea afterwards. Let's face it, exercise gets awesome as soon as you're done with it for the day. But it has to be done and one major benefit I gain is good, reviving sleep which, one tells me, is essential for living happily. Or just living, in that matter. Doing my 100th squat as we speak (not). Haha. Boned.
6) I registered my Blog on bloglovin
Please feel free to click the button picturing a female with a (1) visible breast nipple exposed on the bottom of this page. I am friends now with bloglovin, I still miss the good old google reader though but honestly, the layout and categorization and easy handling make it much more user-friendly than Google reader, especially when blogging from a phone or tablet. Follow me on bloglovin, friends! "desperate mumbling"
7) App-tastico
I finally (!!!) got the official "Blogger" - app on my phone and tablet. I don't know why I bothered opening my browser, typing in the address, then logging in before I could actually start writing for that long!!!! Upon reflection this sentence just made me look extremely lazy. Still I wonder how many minutes of my life I could have used for other, hyper-important things had I only bothered to install this app earlier.
I also got myself the bloglovin app for lunch break entertainment purposes, which also doubles up as an efficient distraction from buying and then consuming copious amounts of sour squirms.
8) I fell in love with Impressionism
...and France - once again!! It didn't help to know my parents spent Easter on the Cote d'Azur. Amazing, right? Admittedly it's a recurring love I've had since first looking trough art books in primary school. I watched a documentary on SBS last week on impressionists, which also included a mini-guide to Paris and was as informative as the paintings are beautiful. I found a
website off which you can order high quality prints of your favourite artist's masterpieces. They're pricey but better than a $ 25 crappy TYPO canvas. And again here's proof, TV is not the devil so long as you choose your programs wisely, mute the ads and don't watch re-runs!!!!
9) Sew awesome
My in-laws gave me a sewing machine and an over locker for my birthday (very spoiled!) so I am already altering garments to practice. There is a variety of structured designer garments I would love to recreate, so hopefully my tailoring skills will show sooner or later. Can't be all hopeless with both my Nanas being tailors for a living.
This is one of the beautiful clothing items I shall soon call my own (but only by paying a tiny percentage of it's retail price)
via fashiontoast |
10) Essentials
I got into relaxation techniques after having a pretty eye-opening conversation with my massage therapist on my birthday weekend. I bought essential oils like they're going out of fashion and been lighting up every room with scented candles after work to relax and come down from a busy and stressful day. It is quite amazing how much more you get out of your body if you give it a chance to actively rest.
5 songs I was addicted to in March
- Justin Timberlake - That girl
- Vampire Weekend - Diane Young
- The Rubens - Don't ever wanna be found
- Delphic - Baiya
- Flight Facilities - Crave you