I am busier than I have been the last 6 month, but manage to do things I was too lazy for the last 6 month.
February 28, 2011
February 27, 2011
A day off
When you're unable to work for such a long time, every day seems the same. You get up, you do some housework, you end up in front of the TV or computer, you might even go for a walk down the servo or have a stroll around the shopping center. Then you get home, cook and eat dinner, wash the dishes and end up in front of the computer or TV or read a book (in front of the TV or computer). You don't feel the urge of going to bed early or late, cause you know next day is going to be the same story again. There's nothing to get up early for, there's nothing to get up late for.
As for today it's my first day off from work since Tuesday and despite my blisters I feel like a fish that was poured out of an aquarium into the ocean. I still get trained but will be the assistant manager of a 'famous footwear' - store by next saturday. YES, footwear! A footwear store whose target group are young women with low budgets. It's like it was ment to be. And although I am a bit sad the girl I am replacing is leaving, because she is an amazing teacher and a good person to hang out with, I can't wait to see what's coming next. (Paycheck?) :)
Anyway, my first 'first day off work' won't go to waste in front of the TV or computer, I'm gonna go take out my camera, my husband and myself and hopefully we'll end up in an adventure that makes Indiana Jones look like the bondi vet.
February 23, 2011
I took this shot at Underwater World in Mooloolaba, when we went there two weeks ago. More photos to come from my brothers and his girlfriends' visit. But for now, how funny is that smiley face??? Dan refers to it as "pussymouth" - I better go and wash his mouth with soap.
Oh, and I should probably mention that I got hired for a job yesterday!!! A job I really like!!!
February 22, 2011
February 21, 2011
The time of your life
Between thousands of comic books Dan can call his own I found this one and I liked the artwork. It's not the actual artwork of the comic but shows inbetween chapters as well as on the front and back cover.
I have no idea about comic books so can't tell you anything about it - searching on google seems cheap to me, as I know I only have to ask the boy for some information and he'll passionately provide the knowledge. On top of that I have to go to this job interview in two hours and need to recall my strengths and weaknesses and remember all the
February 20, 2011
Smart casual EXCLUDES ripped denim
I was talking about my motivating job hunt in my last post and guess what? - I got my first interview tomorrow. What an amazing outcome?
ALORS - Here are some photographs for your convenience - there are more to be uploaded soon to the boys' myspace page, where you can also listen to their music (betcha didn't know!!!).

The biggest challenge for me will be to choose an outfit, as I it is SO hot and normally I would go for denim shorts in this weather. I might just go for a knee-long black dress and some classic accessoires.
Anyway, I went to show some love to both my hubby's band and my camera today by accompanying them to the "BMX for floods" charity event, where they played a gig. I can only say two words: BOILING HOT!
We were sweating and wiping it off, sweating and wiping it off all day long. It was gross but fun! I wore that cross ring I showed you in an older post and the cheap shit coloured my fingers green, because I was soaking it in fingersweat (who knew?) all day.
We were sweating and wiping it off, sweating and wiping it off all day long. It was gross but fun! I wore that cross ring I showed you in an older post and the cheap shit coloured my fingers green, because I was soaking it in fingersweat (who knew?) all day.
You'll be able to tell by the sweat stains in the pictures, that it wasn't an easy ride for the boys. Still they played a really good set and managed to have a laugh in between songs.

February 19, 2011
a frame filled with emotions
I went job hunting yesterday and it turned out to be great! After being turned down for a position as a receptionist at a photo studio (which I thought would be IDEAL for me) I sort of lost hope and motiviation, but after yesterday's success I'm totally back in the game.
I hope to be able to work in fashion retail for the moment. There's a manager position at this fashion jewellery store that I really like. I went there and bought a necklace and a ring and when I went for my wallet I put down my stack of resumes that I was carrying around. The girls at the counter asked me if I was looking for a job and if they could get one of my resumes. How motivating? They are asking ME for resumes, on a day I spent begging people to take mine.
That was probably the most positive of my experiences yesterday.
Keep your fingers crossed, guys!
Keep your fingers crossed, guys!
Of course I haven't lost my aspirations yet and I think that working in retail, with fixed hours and no late shifts (like hospo, uargh!), will enable me to continue doing some journalism and photography stuff as after-work activities too.
I also got my first paid journalism job! And it's a monthly project! Bliss!
Anyway, to share some of my 'new found glory' I'll introduce you to two of my favourite photographers:
Bill Brandt
Robert Doisneau
February 15, 2011
Granny panties
Last week I figured I am an addictive person.
I never used to smoke, but when I started I was up to 30 plus cigarettes a day within two months. I stopped after about 10 months and I sure went on to another obsession that I can't remember at the moment.
Whenever I find a new activity that I am interested in, I get into it. I mean FULLY into it. I remember being obsessed with reading CD reviews on sputnikmusic.com. I used to browse through the site and search for music reviews of CDs that were several years old, just to see wether the guys at sputnik liked them or not.
Then there was cooking. Quiche. Cooking that frigging feta quiche was my fix.
Then there was watching movies that had Seth Rogen in it, just for the simple reason that I couldn't go to sleep without watching a lame movie full of lame stoner jokes.
Another addiction I slipped into was watching "Laguna Beach - The real OC" when I got my hands on the first two seasons. And even though this addiction didn't last too long (yes, I am unemployed and yes, I watched a season per day), it was the source for yet another short-term obsession. There is one episode in which these blonde girls with bleached teeths do a jigsaw puzzle. Yes, a JIGSAW PUZZLE!
Off I went, spending $ 4.00 on a puzzle and didn't manage to keep my hands off it for the next 4 days. I finished it and it's now sitting on my lounge room table, waiting for its day of destruction. 1000 pieces of pretty much the same colour were a c*nt to put together and that makes it even harder to take it apart and put it back in its box. After spending so many hours together, bidding farewell willl take another while!
February 14, 2011
I used to hate Valentine's Day just for one simple fact: I never had boyfriends around that time, not even a crush. Acutally, thats a lie. I had two, both of them were scumbags and never got me anything. They probably didn't even care to give me a ring.
Let's have a toast for the scumbags....thank you Kanye.
Anyway, even though I'm not a big fan of spending heaps of money on presents, the thought of being the only girl that day that doesn't get flowers or even just a card is so damn depressing. I guess it's simply because it is a day that's dedicated to your partner and if you don't have one it's sort of frustrating - not because you are alone and that automatically frustrates you or makes you less complete or anything (I mean, god, I used to be the anti-commitment in person, my plan was to get married in my late 30ies!), but because people rub it in your face and somehow couples pop up everywhere. It's negative awareness of you not being in a relationship at the moment.
Anyway, this time last year I was living in Brisbane as well, but in an eight bed dorm in a hostel full of Scousers and Southerners and I got a Valentine's card that was acutally an advert for the movie "Valentine's Day", saying "Happy Valentine's day, Astrid Fritzl" - the Fritzl being quite a controversal reference to my home country. Three days later I met my husband.
And now see what expected me this morning!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!
February 12, 2011
treat yourself
Long time no see.
My situation hasn't changed yet. I'm still trying to find a job, am applying for everything from office jobs to retail shite, but I have decided to not get frustrated over the whole thing as it only harms my figure (chocolate!) and mental state but on the other hand side does no good whatsoever.
I got to treat myself though with a bit of jewellery the other day. I forgot how amazing Sportsgirl is, because the place I do my shopping at only has a little store and they only have shitty clothes and accessoires, so I don't even tend to go in there anymore, but the Brisbane city shop has never disappointed me (at least not until I see the price tags).
I just tried to imagine working at Sportsgirl and wonder, how much employee discount they get. Even if it was 50 % (which I am SURE isn't the case) I would probably invest half my wage on clothes there.
These rings might look uncomfortable, but you're actuallty only a bit limited in your finger movements. I love the knuckle ring sort of look. Oh, and I love the fact that cross jewellery is back in fashion. Last time I wore a cross necklace was when I was about 14. It's return was about time!
February 05, 2011
My lovely brother and his lovely girlfriend Tanja are here for a visit and it has been pretty busy. I'm still trying to find a job and my frustration about not making money yet is growing steadily. But yeah, I'm not gonna give up.
Anyway, my visitors came straight from Japan and brought me this cute little gift. I love kitsch!!!

I'm going to an engagement party later on, the first engagement party I've ever been to. I had to plan my own wedding within 5 weeks so there was no time for an engagement party and I generally think it's a waste of money and time. Okay, to be honest I wouldn't have minded one myself and this is just pure jealousy speaking. As it is boiling hot and muggy in Brissy I'm gonna wear my Alexander McQueen-inspired silk dress I got from my golden boy for Christmas.
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