I was talking about my motivating job hunt in my last post and guess what? - I got my first interview tomorrow. What an amazing outcome?
ALORS - Here are some photographs for your convenience - there are more to be uploaded soon to the boys' myspace page, where you can also listen to their music (betcha didn't know!!!).

The biggest challenge for me will be to choose an outfit, as I it is SO hot and normally I would go for denim shorts in this weather. I might just go for a knee-long black dress and some classic accessoires.
Anyway, I went to show some love to both my hubby's band and my camera today by accompanying them to the "BMX for floods" charity event, where they played a gig. I can only say two words: BOILING HOT!
We were sweating and wiping it off, sweating and wiping it off all day long. It was gross but fun! I wore that cross ring I showed you in an older post and the cheap shit coloured my fingers green, because I was soaking it in fingersweat (who knew?) all day.
We were sweating and wiping it off, sweating and wiping it off all day long. It was gross but fun! I wore that cross ring I showed you in an older post and the cheap shit coloured my fingers green, because I was soaking it in fingersweat (who knew?) all day.
You'll be able to tell by the sweat stains in the pictures, that it wasn't an easy ride for the boys. Still they played a really good set and managed to have a laugh in between songs.