Dan and I all excited about leaving the house. Hahah. No, I am serious!!! |
First stop were the Farmers Markets at Stones Corner. If you want fresh fruit and veg for real cheap (and above mentinoed Mega Bratwurst!!) go there. Tea? Fresh bread? Hammocks? No? We didn't want any of that either, so went on to the Kerbside Lane Markets in the valley. They start at 12 noon and are all hipster with indie music and great vintage fashion for super low prices (10 dollars for a sequined sweater, heck yes!!). There are only about 5 stalls but the people are chatty and friendly and if drinking was allowed in public here, I could imagine very convenient Sunday afternoons with a carton of beer and some live music.
follow the ballons!!! |
I think the reason why I appreciate markets so much is that they remind me of festivals. You know all the stalls at festivals that usually sell crappy stuff to drunks? The scenario in my head goes somewhat like this: After a bad night's sleep in a shitty (most probably wet) tent and too much brew you wake up and have sausages or steak plus a beer for breakfast, at about 2 pm you enter the main area of the festival and look at a few acts and then start wandering around the stalls and buy stuff you don't need (I used to buy headbands, keyrings, merch shirts I never wear, musical instruments, ...). Then all your male friends ask you to put the shit they bought in your handbag so your shoulder is all fucked up before the band you came to see even starts playing and you're all hurty and angry and the line at the toilet is so long you'd consider peeing your pants. Then Josh Homme enters the stage and everything is good. Then - wet pants! But not because of wee. Oh well..I am getting carried away again...
Anyway I bouht a bright red 80ies woolen jumper with sequins and a dotted and triangled sheer shirt and am quite happy with my purchases. Usually I get carried away with vintage shopping and think: 'I could totally work this baby blue pleated maxi skirt from the 80ies', just because I have seen it on some fashion blog/in a magazine etc.. Then I get home to try it on and realise I not only wasted money but also closet space (I have a bit of a clothes hoarding problem...) and tell myself ot be wiser next time. So I bought a BRIGHT RED SEQUINED jumper today, when I absolutely never incorporate anything red into my wardrobe. Me, Smart cookie. I never learn. My spirit animal is probably a goldfish.
Great, now I got so interested in the whole spirit animal thing I had to google it.
I found this little quiz . Go discover YOUR spirit animal!!! (Apparently mine's a hawk!)
So where was I? Huhm.....oh yeah. WOW, an electronics retailer just went into liquidation and we went there after the markets (I no, we are unethical bastards!) and took advantage of the special prices (I finally got Kasabian's 'Velociraptor', Kimbra's 'Vows' and good old 'El camino' on Cd. Yes, it's 2012 and I'm still buying these round things!!). To be honest I felt awful for being such a cheap scout and all the employees were super disgusted with us scavengers. 500 people will loose their jobs over the next couple of weeks and there are approx. 30 Mio AUD of 'bad' debt. I swear I will not complain about my work ever again, not until my birthday at least ;)
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these are super old, probably like 3 year old pictures I took of Kasabian at Austrian Frequency Festival |
Speaking of the birthday, I will get to see Kimbra in May with Dan!! YAY! Best birthday present ever. It's been month since my last concert and while the festival season in Oz is over since a week now, there are a lot of great bands touring (did I hear Jezabels and Macabees?), but money is tight so I gotta choose wisely. I also feel an extreme urge of seeing Lady Gaga live and ticket prices have just dropped, so if there are still tickets on sale in about 5 weeks, I'll be there.
I only realised this morning that the number of concerts I went to last year was the lowest since I was, like, 12 years old. The first signs of ageing: getting lazy like that! So this year a lot of my money will be wisely invested in some live music.
Enough talk for today. Fight Club is on. 'I would flick through catalogues and wonder what Wine & Dine - Set defines me as a person'
Chuck Palahnuik is a hero!