The artist's name is Victo (Victoria) Ngai, she is from Hong Kong but currently resides in and works from New York. Judging from her blog, she is basically living an illustrator's dream, which is getting hired by several newspapers on a regular basis, while selling limited edition prints. I am envious and fascinated at the same time. What a rare and precious opportunity, to make a living from using one's creativity. I imagine it being the most amazing profession of all. Yes, you probably won't get rich from it, but to know that the source to infinite fulfillment and a steady income lies within yourself is, for a rather uncreative person like me, astounding.
If I had some spare cash at the moment, I would definitely invest in one of these prints. They are like an Asian version of my beloved busy Klimt paintings. Lots and lots going on, without getting too crazy. And the colour palette...ugh.... I am all for pale!
You can acquire some of these prints via this shop. (They are limited edition prints so hurry if you're keen to get your paws on them!)