Let's just say coastal town, no work phone (!!!), my gorgeous husband and my friends and family here and overseas showering me with birthday messages and cute photos.

Dan got me lots of little things, such as a Lumpy Space Princess figurine (heck yes!!!) and most amazingly got me massage vouchers which I can't WAIT to use! Best most thoughtful present ever. Since making our own birthday/anniversary cards is kind of a thing in our home, I of course got a hilarious one this year. Themed and all.

We ended up in Noosa Heads, which was great to see because I skipped it during my East Coast Tour in 2010. To be frank it's not for everybody as it is really small and quiet but the beaches and rain forest are spectacular and hey, you still find the odd pub and backpacker bar full of crazy, drunk people.
I will show you some photos tonight, as well as a more elaborate description of my weekend but let's just say we had a room that looked like fresh out of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" aka THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. Fake British accent and all.
Thinking back to the heated pools and super humid and hot weather and the sand between my toes, I am not even wasting a minute thinking about buying stuff other than food. I'm becoming less and less attached to things and more attached to places, memories and experiences. Don't get me wrong, I'm still feeling a pleasant twitch here and there when I see a quilted leather jacket (!) or a pair of studded boots (!!), but I keep reminding myself that that's not at all what life is about.
Now it's onto saving up for the next trip! We want to go back to Noosa, but still need to explore Mooloolaba and Byron and and and.
The next adventure is just outside our door step.