June 02, 2013

10 reasons MAY was AWESOME

Hey you! Thanks for stopping by.
It's that time of the month again, where I bow down in gratitude to the previous month and reflect on some awesome stuff that happened. It was pretty hard for me to find 10 reasons this months, seeing as I spent a huge (!!!) amount of time traveling (time 'breath' traveling, not time-traveling, I mean, that would definitely make it into my list) to and from work outside my actual work hours. I caught myself being a little frustrated over it (majorly frustrated, that is. Flights were delayed, planes were on hold for hours, traffic jams on the final stretch home...you get the idea), but there is really no use in being a sourpuss. The good thing is noone can call or email you on planes - a luxury I'd probably only get to enjoy if I went deep sea diving or...you know...if I was dead or something.
But onto a lighter note, there were some really  brilliant moments I got to experience his month and I shall share and overshare until my last gadget breaks under the wrath of my typing finger stumps. Dramaaaaa.

1) Nail art craze

I went all out on the ebayzz and bought glitter and nail art caviar balls (did anyone say balls?) and experimented with all sorts of glitter nail polish and other stuff. I also got addicted to nail art instagram accounts for around 5 hours one lonely night when I was by myself and had refreshed my facebook news feed FAR too many times. OPI must still be my favourite nail art brand and hell I am more excited than ever about having purchased the Muppet Show special editions (Miss Piggy and Kermit of course).
It's the little things in life...

2) Personal training

My  first ever PT session went down mid May, when I finally decided it was time to invest a little in myself. For beach body as well as insanity preventative reasons. What can I say? It's expensive but I'd never push myself that hard during a work out without someone doing The Yells at me. EVER! When I start whinging my trainer makes me do even more reps and once I've pushed through it she smirks at me and gives me the ''told you so'' - speech. I love her. She shall turn me into a white Beyonce with thunder thighs and buns of steel.

3) Visit to Cairns

I revisited Cairns this month for work related reasons but I felt a good kind of nostalgia wandering down the streets. It's just one of these things where every street corner and crossing reminds you of something crazy and wonderful you got up to in the past. Oh and do I have to mention the crazy party folk? Overall it was a great experience and definitely fuelled my steady companion that is super insatuable Wanderlust.

4) The Great Gatsby

Have you seen it? HAVE YOU? I loved it. Critics can eat a bag of salty old doodles and go on earning a living by analyzing other people's creative masterpieces with as much sarcasm and smart-arsery as they want. The costumes, the music, the cast, the scenery, the cruelty in the story (not that Luhrmann could take credit for that), the ever present Lana del Rey song. It was a miracle movie and one that made me feel like absolute cat poop for a whole day or so...something I haven't had to deal with since watching 'Dead Girl' with Brittany Murphy 5 times in 3 days.
I also learnt this month that I shall distance myself from people who let other people's opinion determine wether or not they experience anything for themselves ''I'm not going to watch X because Y said it was shite''. Ugh.

5) Deftones

I went to see Deftones. I was extremely hot and I couldn't see and had to wear ear plugs (wuss wuss) but I had a splendid time amongst a sea of sweaty bearded men with face tattoos. I cannot preach enough though that flower crowns the size of a tall sailor's forearm, whilst looking ridiculous on, are also not appropriate concert attire because the block out the majority of EVERY SINGLE thing in front of me.

6) Grow your own

I finally took my first step towards grooming the perfect herb and veggie garden. Yeah. well. Uhm. Ok I only grew a little bit of salad cress but everyone starts somewhere, right? I am sure tomatos the size of a Fussball and tree-high parsley plants will follow.

7) Max Brenner Extravaganza

So the month I started PT is also the month I first had Max Brenner, super chocolatey goodness and another spot on the list of spots I have to take my brother when he comes over (in less than 20 days wooooooooohoooooooo). Call me a hypocrite all you want, I tell you it was worth it! I had a peppermint hot chocolate and Belgian waffles with chocolate ice cream, banana, strawberries and, yeah you guessed correctly - chocolate sauce! I have to admit the sugar was pretty overwhelming and had a quite strange effect on my sleep that night. You know you've taken it a few calories too far when you go to bed fully clothed and wake up holding your shirt in your clenched fist in a pool of sweat. Again tomorrow?

8) No more bills
Insurance, rego, other shit. I'm paid off for the year. I'm also poor but I must be the only 23 year old person in Brisbane who doesn't have a credit card bill or loan to pay off. In fact I never had a loan in my life and unless I buy a house tomorrow I do not plan on ever getting one. It's the ultimate responsibility and we all know responsibility sucks balls. So yeah. 

9) Oishii Miso Ramen

I finally learnt how to cook the old ramen aka the best winter dish right after cream of garlic soup and much more socially acceptable than the just mentioned (garlic breath is kind of a social faux pas and stays in your mouth cavity FOREVER!!!). I added a boiled egg to make it look like a face. Cause humans like to eat face shaped foods. Think about it.

10) Baby shower of your dreams

I've never been to a baby shower before but let's just say that I am convinced I will be disappointed with my very own after seeing my friends' house. There were name trains and play dough babies and paper straws and cupcakes with baby shoes on them and polka dot popcorn bags and paint stations and cheese platters and chocolate fondue and homemade lemonade. I could go on all day about this and I have to mention that a jar was filled with handpicked blue M&Ms only (yeah, it's a girl!), but bottom line is that it was an extremely pleasant afternoon that was fun for baby owners as well as non-baby owners.
I am obviously the latter.

OOOhhhh yeah:

Five songs I was addicted to in MAY:

Queens of the Stone Age - God is the sun
Daft Punk - Get lucky
Miike Snow - Pretender
Lana del Rey - Young & Beautiful
City and Colour - Of time and space