This is a selection of women who I looked up to when I was a young girl, tween and semi-adult (teenager). I always had to make myself stay up for Fast Forward with Charlotte Roche, because they used to show it at 11 pm. And Clarissa!! Who DIDN'T love Clarissa as a child?? HI SAM! She always had the most horrific clothes and she was an outsider and alt chick, just the way I always felt!! (Or anyone at that age I suppose!). I have put my obsession for Alicia Silverstone in words on this platform many times before, but cannot put together a post without her on the list. Britney Spears. What can I say? I remember her style was awful in the beginning. Demin dresses and fluffy pink Cowboyhats with rhinestones on them. The industry went and copied everything and you could find above mentioned hats for years in one dollar shops. She was pretty flipping cool at the time! Enie should definitely dye her hair red again and by the way, is BRAVO TV still on air??? Last but not least Sarah Kuttner, whose show was the only thing left on MTV that was classified as watchable. She was sassy, honest, brutal, quirky and witty. She was the one that told Moneybrother he wears his jeans too tight. She had the star tattoo before all the other indie kids. Then MTV cancelled her show. Boo.
We got back to Brisbane today. Flying was a horror as usual and my legs still look like they belong to a pregnant lady. I have transformed all my hard earned muscles back into fat the last six weeks and am dreading the gym already. Roooaarrr. Yay me for ignoring the fact that it's summer in Australia. Now: bedtime!