July 04, 2012

July 4th: Beginning Boutique madness

Having every favourite online shop's news feed on facebook is like torture. I would like to turn it off, but the fear of missing out on something is just too strong. Pretty sad, since it's just clothes, right? But everyone needs a passion and I definitely found one of mine in filling my closet with pretty things.

So here are a few things I am lusting over at the moment:

evil twin skeleton ring

evil twin cross cuff

Yes, this will probably be a DIY in the near future :)

back view first. this is a dream.

yes, I would love to call this my own.

and this one is another favourite. perfect for my body shape!

The print is perfect - I don't wear body cons though. One thing less to buy is not a bad thing, I guess.

The colour!!! Perfection!

And this lavender shade is really nice too.

All products and photos via BEGINNING BOUTIQUE

I tend to buy only one trend piece to not go over my spending budget. I am still looking for
the perfect long-sleeved lace dress and a warm cardigan for every day. The search continues...

What trend are you lusting over right now?
What trend are you lusting over right now?