How scary is getting old?
I can't help but think back to my parents when they (and with three children that's not a surprise) casually forgot my age and then turned to me in terror and went "What, you are already twelve? That means I am XY years old!!!"
I'm getting there, and while I am still happy and childless there are other factors that remind me of my own age (see: physical decay).
January was cool.
I am trying to remember right now what I did without looking through this blog but it's kind of hard (Isn't that sad?). I think one of the most exciting things was flying up to Mackay on business. It's just one of those things that are still new and different and omg I get to be on a plane once a month for free! I can finally act like one of those people that don't get excited at all anymore when they're on a plane and read magazines on finance and economy. High five, everyone!!!
But to be honest, what I really enjoyed this months was socializing with friends. It was the best! We drank unhealthy drinks, ate unhealthy food and talked shit until the sun rose. Thank god Christmas is over and I actually get to spend time with people whose company I enjoy. Thank god I can finally spend some actual quality time with Dan, without 3 million terrorizing thoughts going on in my head.
And finally I am calm enough again to spend hours on skype again, talking to my awesome family and friends back home. I have just picked up a writing job again for my friends' festival so will get onto that too. A little bit of creative work on the side will do me pretty well. I have started selling and throwing out some of my old clutter and it feels amazing. I got back into Pilates and am really eager to try other things this month. And I have finally (finally! after 4 months) overcome a pretty dreadful habit (stress eating) that I started when I first got this job. It feels pretty good to get a grip on your life again. I know stuff like that sometimes appears when massive changes happen in your life, but January definitely feels like the month I got back to being myself again. The year can only get better, everyone!
And to finish off this little gratitude post I'll give you (myself!) a quick instagram summary of the lovely first month of 2013. (@astrid-apfelkern for anyone who is interested in seeing bad quality photos of anything kawaii, pink and adventure time)
i.) I received a massive cat candle and several kgs of extremely delicious food of the highly caloric sort.
ii.) Dan held a baby and thought "it was weird". (Wiping sweat off my forehead as we speak)
iii.) Date night: Stuck to a clean eating plan. Best old school diner ever!
iiii.) Couldn't resist buying these kawaii ice cream cups and spoons. Honestly, best mind trick ever. iiiii.) Put fruit salad in it and you think it's ice cream.
iiiiii.) Drank Rekorderlig for the very first time.
iiiiiii.) Was confronted with what we can easily call a fair floss disaster when I left the packet out over night
iiiiiiii.) Had a staring contest with my kawaii little trinket holder and rocketship pen holder (Yes, I divided the paper clips by colour just to be a weirdo)
iiiiiiiii.) Found this cupcake waiting for me after coming home from a two day business trip. Husband of the year all the way.