I think I might have cried a little when opening the gigantic 12 kg parcel and finding all the good (=evil) things I love and miss from home. Australian chocolate is delish, but there is lots of stuff in it that shouldn't be there (like preservatives and substances that stop it from melting). It's nice to make my taste buds feel like they're 15 k km away.
from left to right: Mon Cheri, Merci, Orangen Lebkuchen, Schlossbergkipferl x 4, Schokobananen x 2, Milka Vollmilch Schoki x 2, Noisette, Ganze Haselnuss x 2, Bensdorp 300 gr Rum-kokos x 2 & Erdbeer x 1 (only one because mum knows I love it but it makes me break out like apple crumble face), Schokobananen, Dominosteine, Kokoskuppeln, Lebkuchen, Likoerflaeschchen, Mozartkugeln, After Eight, Bio-Dinkel, Hafer- und Orangen-Schoko - Kekse, Rum Kokos von Casali (sing the song!), Schokofruechte, Manner Wafferl |