March 07, 2011

Lomo lens and another gig

So I got myself a 20 Dollar Lomo-Lens for my Nikon and had to find out that it only works in manual mode. The only results I've been getting so far were noisy black ones - and that happens with my 'professional' lens AND my lomo lens. What a shame.

 I really like Holga and I really like Lomo shots like this one so there will be no way round reading the camera manual. 

Also I have taken pictures at Dan's band's gig again. I am exceptionally proud of those - not because they're extraordinarily good or anything - it's just, I was wearing 12 cm heels and a dress that night and still managed to move around, kneel down and jump over ropes while taking photos in manual focus and - here comes the most astonishing fact - NOT showing off my underpants ONCE.
(Note: A combination of these things seems somewhat impossible for me - and I shall call myself Re-Tar-Do)
I had a ball, even though I had to sell shoesees the next day. The boys did a great job, I even would go as far as calling it their best gig.

Here you go.

 Being the dickhead that I am I deleted some of the photos with my cousin (who was here from Austria with a mate!) as well as some other "Stepbrothers"-inspired amazing pictures while transferring them from my camera to my computer. I shed a tear but I guess I just gotta move on.

Ps: My next post will deal with the negative sides of working in a shoe shop - alas - the amount of shoes I have accumulated in two weeks time.