February 02, 2013


I love spending time on the old internet, exploring new websites and blogs and finding information treasures that are totally worth consuming. But let's face it, it can get tiring to find those treasures from time to time and while I still want to know what's going on, I sometimes don't care enough to work my way through all these piles of information after a long day. Good to know there are a lot of quality blogs that do exactly that for me, absolutely for free.  Talk about time management skills!

It's even better if someone as awesome as Gala Darling puts together a list
of interesting reads - I have been desperately holding out for a new "Carousel" and here it finally is. I am a bit gutted she is cutting it down to once per month but hey, it's still better than nothing, right!
all images via paris1914.com
This is kind of girly stuff but if you're interested in beauty, new age, fashion, business techniques, photography, self help, feminist reading and all kinds of creative you should definitely give it a shot.

It's basically a plate full of fun served with a side of knowledge.

You get the idea.

Dig in.