May 22, 2013

Bye Cairns

Oh hey. Here are a few shots of my last stroll down the Cairns Esplanade. I was playing with the thought of buying a bucket of fish guts and throwing it in the ocean, just to see what happens. I have to look into the legal aspect of such an activity first though.
But seriously, it's like there is this big advertisement for sharks and crocodiles and the likes with all the warning signs up and the locals hyping that shit. And then...NOTHING!!! False advertisement.

I got over the disappointment eventually, bought a Quarter pounder meal and watched nasty re-runs on TV.

I had a cruisy flight home and bummed around in bed all day, watching movies on netflix and hiding from the cold. Oh ueah and if you're wondering when I can finally start posting well written, well formatted articles again, please ask my laptop repairman. After six weeks I finally got my pc back but as soon as I unwrapped it, I realised they broke it EVEN MORE!!!

So bear with me people of the North lands. Three more weeks or so of this crap, then back to the good stuff.