June 06, 2012

June 6th: Globe trotting and stuff

Oh my. Look at these photographs.
I might be a complete MTV and American culture - damaged teenage girl in the body of a young woman. I have no other explanation than that for finding these photographs very (!) appealing! I have a strong relationship with American teenager movies from the late 80ies through to the 90ies (CLUELESS EVERYONE!). I even kinda like Ferris Bueller now. Even thought the concept of him being naughty all the time and getting away with EVERYTHING drives me a little insane (but that's only cause I always was naughty and ALWAYS without fail got caught)

I am having a a major argument with myself as to wether I should change my bone structure, body fat percentage and wardrobe in order to look like this major babe whose blog I stumbled across yesterday:
No but seriously. She's probably the coolest chick. And her Unif Hellbounds...so good. You have to have long legs to pull these babies off. And how awesome does one have to be to get a pair of Lita Spike gifted from Solestruck? (Dear Solestruck, I am awesome!)
Follow her blog http://waltzinblack.blogspot.com.au/

Oh and again, if you would like to follow me on Instagram and perve on all the weird stuff I like, don't hesitate to add me. Just search for astridapfelkern in users.
Ps: There WILL be miniature food. xxx