May 02, 2012

April 2nd: Liebe Loafer

From now on I will try to incorporate some of the cryptic messages I find myself confronted with on a daily bases because of bilinguality (is that the correct word?).
Maybe I should start using German adjectives? Does that sound like a gute idea? Any interessante thoughts on that?
Or maybe I should just leave the douchebag German out and continue to write in bad English.

I bought these loafers at work yesterday. Couldn't decide on the colour so I went with both...

I see a lot of Mum's with their daughters shopping and advising them on their purchases and it kind of makes me miss this whole 'mother-daughter' experience. Mum and I harldy ever used to go shopping together, it was more like a 'once-a-year'-occasion. I would tell mum to buy the craziest clothes for herself and she would tell me to leave her alone, then we'd both laugh and move on to the next rack of clothes and play the same game all over again.
Fun times.

What I am trying to get at is that since I moved away I have been a bit more open towards trends and the crazy ones too.
That would explain the whole crazy pants party I am sporting at the moment:

left: Les Arcs leggings via Beginning Boutique, right: snake print trousers via ebay
Mum would've said something like 'Geh wirkli ned' (which translates to something like 'No fucking way!')

Love me my Mum.